Premium Wine Aerator
Advanced design transforms any wine into a great wine instantly! Your wine will taste better in seconds. Perform a blind a taste test and experience the difference.
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Premium Wine Opener
Designed to impress! Built to last! Made with an ergonomic handle and Teflon coated screw, this wine opener makes releasing any cork an effortless and elegant experience.
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As a lifetime wine drinker I am always sceptical of devices which claim to augment the experience. However, here we have something which, I must admit rather to my surprise, actually works very well. It is an attractive, obviously well made item which feels fairly robust in the hand.
The experience of trying a glass of newly opened red wine and being initially disappointed is not uncommon. However, normally if allowed to breathe for a while the flavour is greatly enhanced. This is why we are encouraged to open a bottle well in advance to `let it breathe'. The whole flaw with this approach is that the opening to a standard wine bottle is rather small, so the opportunity for air to come in contact with the wine before it is poured, is similarly restricted.
We have used this device on a couple of bottles of wine in the last few days and each time have decanted a bottle of red wine through the Zazzol into a decanter. Quite clearly this device does a very good job of aerating the wine on the way through as it gurgles in a very satisfying manner! However, the proof of the pudding, as it were, is certainly in the eating and the immediate drinking experience is certainly improved as the flavour of the wine is enabled to express itself.
As my wife commented, `Either we have been drinking some very good wine recently or this works very well'. I can assure her that the wine has just been standard, everyday drinking fare. Hence it is this device which has made the difference. It tends to be usual in our household for slightly unusual tools to be banished to the back of the cupboard and forgotten. However, this is not going to happen with this item which I plan to use on every bottle of red wine in future.
J. Davis

If you want a wine opener which is so elegant it is down-right sexy, while also being startlingly functional, this is the only wine-opener you will ever purchase the rest of your life. I am shocked to say this is one of my favorite purchases I have ever made on Amazon. Here's why:
Initial thoughts: I buy on Amazon all the time, but this is different. I have almost never purchased a product which looked so elegant that, upon opening the box, I didn't even want to take it out of its packaging because I didn't want to disturb it. Nothing prepared me for this product. I don't know why it isn't going for $150, because I can imagine it selling for that amount easily. The packaging alone must have cost an exorbitant amount.
This gift would say "I love you" to any woman on the face of the earth who knew what a wine bottle was. I am not joking when I say this is my favorite Amazon purchase I've ever made. I have it sitting next to me (yes, I put it BACK in its packaging because it is so beautiful), and it looks and feels like a millionaire's item.
Utility: Regardless of my desire to keep this little beauty in its restful state of elegance, I had to test it to see if it its beauty matched its utility. It is not only INCREDIBLY well-made, but it is so much easier to use than other wine-openers it is unreal. Seriously, how is this thing so cheap on Amazon?!
I will buy this for gifts, friends, and family. It is THAT beautiful. If you want a wine opener, this is for you. Period.